Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cravings, Cramps, and Moodiness

Ahhhh... Pregnancy.  You've got to love it. 

All in all I'm fortunate in that throughout my first pregnancy (and so far into this one) I haven't had any real morning sickness.  I count myself lucky for that.  I do occasionally have very mild nausea but it's nothing that can't be coped with or that lasts very long usually. 

But that doesn't mean that I don't have other un-fun things to deal with.  This time, the early pregnancy cramping has been much more noticable than last time.  I know that it is normal but it's definately not fun.  Add to that some serious moodiness and you have a recipe for disaster.  I feel like I live on the edge of insanity most days.  I'm fine pretty much everywhere but work.  Unfortunately, when I'm at work I tend to find myself having horribly mean thoughts about co-workers or basically anyone else who I happen to come into contact with.  I consider the work day a sucess if I can manage to keep my snarky comments under my breath or to myself. 

Also I've been having some serious cravings this time around.  Last time I don't think those showed up quite as quickly.  I've spent most of today online searching for recipes and thinking about all kinds of yummy foods.  Right now, I've got my mind set on some cinnamon rolls.  Those are always a weakness of mine, but right this second I can't seem to get them out of my head.  I'm also craving a seriously large meal at the Olive Garden.  Is that not crazy?  I see the commercials and think about a never-ending pasta bowl and breadsticks for the next 3 hours.   But alas, I must continue to fight off those cravings. 

The last pregnancy I worked very hard and managed to keep my weight gain right around 30 lbs.  If I can do that this time, when I'm 9 months pregnant I'll only weight a tiny bit more than I did before I was preganant the last time.  That would be a huge accomplishment.  So my cravings will go unanswered at the moment.  The good news is that I've located some new recipes that look super yummy to add to my cooking rotation that will at least be somewhat healthy. 

So that's where we stand today.  As this ugly beautiful pregnancy journey is just beginning again... moody, cramping, and dying to eat whatever kind of high fat high sugar goodness I can think of.  Wish me luck.  It may be a long 40 weeks.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Came to Work with Snot in My Hair

This morning baby E woke up snotty and coughing.  I've known a little fight with our seasonal allergies was coming so I've been prepping him for a few days with Zyrtec.  It's a good thing I have because he sounded rough this morning.  There was lots of coughing and a very snotty sounding nose.  Baby E woke up earlier than normal today thanks to all that coughing and his was very clingy.  I pretty well couldn't get him to pull his arms from around my neck for the first 20 minutes he was awake.  At some time in all that coughing I guess he managed to get something up because when I got to work this morning I noticed a clump of hair glued together on my neck.  It was stiff and nasty and my neck below it was sticky.  Let me tell you it's lovely.  I'm at work and I have baby snot or mucus on me.   The funny thing is I love that baby boy so much that it really isn't even a huge deal.  I went to the restroom and cleaned up as best I could.  I hope baby boy feels better now and I'd better remember to plug in the vaporizer tonight before bed.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just When You Begin to Relax

Funny thing about parenting... just when you think you're beginning to get the hang of things and everyone (usually) sleeps through the night and life has settlted into a routine that allows you to keep your home and life in some reasonable sort of order.... life throws you a curve ball. 

Yes this weekend we discovered that baby #2 is on the way.  A moment later panic set in.  Where's the time gonna come from?  Where's the monkey gonna come from?  How are we possibly going to handle 2 children?  PANIC!!!!!   

Today heads are a little cooler and things seem calm enough on the surface, but my heart is still beating so fast that it feels like it's going to explode out of my chest.  Tomorrow I go to the doctor for an official confirmation.  We'll see how things go from there.