Friday, December 7, 2012

Beautiful Bathtime

When I started thsi blog I promised that I would share the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Many parts of motherhood are ugly (the entire pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery process for example).  And at times things can seem pretty bad (like those first few days when mom and baby never sleep more than 2 consecutive hours at a time).  But sometimes, most of the time in fact, being a mom is a really really good thing. 

Over the last couple of days, we've had lots of good in our house.  Baby E is beginning to enjoy some things that he hasn't previously, like bathtime.  Bathtime was never a screaming match and Baby E was always reasonably calm and content to sit in his tub in the sink and let me bathe him.  We rarely had a screaming fit unless he was exceptionally tired and just ready to go to bed.  But in the last couple of weeks we realized that Baby E was just too big for the sink anymore, so we moved him to the big tub.  He LOVES it!!!

Now when we get home in the evenings, it's inevitable that he'll work his way toward the bathroom saying "bath, bath, bath" over and over.  When we go into the bathroom, he pulls up on the edge of the tub and stands waiting to be undressed so that he can get into the tub.  While he waits, he bangs on the tub edge in excitement. 

We are still trying to keep baths down to every other day right now simply because Baby E's skin can get a little dry (especially during colder weather) and he hates having lotion put on him.  So to spare him the need for regular lubing up with baby lotion, we only bathe every other night.  I'm afraid that may soon change though given how much he seems to enjoy bathtime.  When he's in the tub he loves to splash the water and pour it in and out of two cups that we use for rinsing him off. 

Bathtime has quickly gone from a chore to one of our favorite parts of the day. It is wonderful to see a happy baby splashing and playing in the water then to pull him out and get those wonderful last cuddles of the evening.  Had I known how much fun he'd have in the big tub we'd have moved over way sooner. 

A happy camper playing in the tub.

Splish splash we are taking a bath!

He makes this serious face when he's really working to figure something out.  Here I think he's trying to understand why the cups are under water. 

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